Academic record & distinction
MSc, PhD (Botany) University of North Bengal
PhD Topic: “Studies on the Ethnobotany of Darjeeling Himalaya”
Areas of Specialization
Ethnobotany & Medicinal Plants
Latest Publications
- Madhusudhan Khanal, Shuvadip Sarkar, Kingsuk Sarkar, Prakash Chhetri, Santosh Kumar Rai, Devendra Kumar & Sandeep Rawat. 2024. Gastrodia indica (Orchidaceae: Gastrodieae): a new completely cleistogamous holomycotropic species from India. Phytotaxa 663 (1):026 - 032. (2024).
- Madhusudhan Khanal, Shuvadip Sarkar, Rohit Dutta, Santosh Kumar Rai, Devendra Kumar, Sandeep Rawat, & Dinesh Kumar Agrawala. 2024. Didymoplexiella siamensis (Gastrodieae, Orchidaceae): a new generic record for the flora of India. Feddes Repertorium 2024.; 001:1-7. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.202300057
- Madhusudhan Khanal, Shuvadip Sarkar, Santosh Kumar Rai, Devendra Kumar & Avishek Bhattacharjee. 2024. Cheirostylis tortilacinia C.S.Leou (Orchidaceae): a new record from India and its typification. Feddes Reportorium.2024. 00-1-5 DOI: 10.1002/fedr.202400015
- Madhusudhan Khanal, Santosh Kumar Rai, Devendra Kumar, Arun Chettri and Shuvadip Sarkar.2023. Gastrodia bamboo (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae), A new addition to the Orchid flora of India with Unique Additional Characterization and Red List Assessment. The Journal of Japanese Botany 98(6):328-334 doi:
- Aita Rani Subba, Santosh Kumar Rai, Jiwan Gurung and Bisu Singh 2023. An investigation on antioxidant and anti-arthritis activity of Rheum nobile Hook.f. & Thomson from Sikkim Himalayan region. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources. Vol. 14(3): September 2023, pp.434-443. DOI: 10.56042/ijnpr.v14i3.4786