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Sl.No Department programmes
1 Anthropology MA/M.Sc/Ph.D
2 Geography MA/M.Sc/Ph.D
3 Psychology BA/B.Sc/MA/M.Sc/Ph.D
1 Chinese Certificate Course, BA, MA, Ph.D
2 English MA/Ph.D
3 Hindi BA/MA/Ph.D
4 Nepali MA/Ph.D
5 Bhutia MA/Ph.D
6 Lepcha MA/Ph.D
7 Limbu MA/Ph.D
1 Botany M.Sc/Ph.D
2 Horticulture M.Sc/Ph.D
3 Microbiology M.Sc/Ph.D
4 Zoology M.Sc/Ph.D
1 Chemistry M.Sc/Ph.D
2 Computer Applications MCA/Ph.D
3 Geology M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Geology, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences
4 Mathematics M.Sc/Ph.D
5 Physics M.Sc/Ph.D
1 Commerce M.Com/Ph.D
2 Management MBA/Ph.D
3 Education MA/M.Ed/Ph.D
4 Mass Communication MA/Ph.D
5 Music BPA/MPA/Ph.D
6 Tourism MTTM/Ph.D
7 Library and Information Science M.Lib.I.Sc.
1 Economics MA/Ph.D
2 History MA/Ph.D
3 International Relations MA/Ph.D
4 Law LLM/Ph.D
5 Peace & Conflict Studies & Management MA/Ph.D
6 Political Science MA/Ph.D
7 Sociology MA/Ph.D

Affiliated Colleges

Nar Bahadur Bhandari Degree College

1) Nar Bahadur Bhandari Degree College

Tadong, East Sikkim - 737102

Dr. D.Purohit

(O)03592 231119 (M) 9434211599

Namchi Government College

2) Namchi Government College

Namchi, Kamrang, South Sikkim-73712 6

Mr. Deepak Tewari

(O)03592-263544 (M)7047848622

3) Sikkim Government B.Ed College

3) Sikkim Government B.Ed College

Soreng, West Sikkim- 737121

Dr. Devi Kala Lama

(O)03592-253383(O) (M)8967945799

4) Sikkim Government College

4) Sikkim Government College

Burtuk, Gangtok, East Sikkim 737101

Dr. I. Upreti


5) Damber Singh College

5) Damber Singh College

6th Mile, Samdur, Tadong-737102

Dr. S.K Pradhan

(O)9933004345 (M)9332521233

6) Harkamaya College of Education

6) Harkamaya College of Education

6th Mile Tadong-737102

Dr. .Rajesh Singh

(O)9332521223 (M)8539981680

Sikkim Government Law College

7) Sikkim Government Law College

Burtuk, Gangtok, East Sikkim-737102

Dr. Tshewang Dorjee Lama

(O)202268(O) (M)9434357360

) Government College Rhenock

8) Government College Rhenock

Rungdung, East Sikkim

Mr. Bidhan Subba

(O)03592-253741(O) (M)9749394688(M)

 Sikkim Government College

9) Sikkim Government College

Gyalshing, West Sikkim -737102

Mr. Kishor Kumar Rai

(M) 9832588885(M)

 Loyola College of Education

10) Loyola College of Education

Namchi, South Sikkim-737126

Dr. Francis A.V

(O) 03595-263877(O) (M) 9434051024(M),

Himalayan Pharmacy Institute

11) Himalayan Pharmacy Institute

Majitar, Rangpo,East Sikkim- 737136

Dr. N. R. Bhuyan

(O)03592-246462(O) (M)9434487194(M)

2) Sikkim Govt. Science College

12) Sikkim Govt. Science College

Chakung, West Sikkim

Dr. Sudhan Pradhan


Government Vocational College,

13) Government Vocational College,

Dentam, West Sikkim

Sh. Krishna Chandra Subba

(O)03592-250050(O) (M)9609776051 (M)

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

14) Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

Gangtok, East Sikkim

P.W. Rinzing

(O)03592 281525 / 280822 (M)9434137459

Sikkim Institute of Science and Technology,

15) Sikkim Institute of Science and Technology,

Chisopani, South Sikkim

Dr. B.B. Pradhan



16) Government Pharmacy College

Sajong, Rumtek, East Sikkim

Dr. Gauthaman Karunakaran



17) Sikkim Government College of Nursing,

Sochakgang, Gangtok, East Sikkim.

Ms. Prem Kumari Tamang



18) Government Arts College, Mangshila, North Sikkim

Mangshia, North Sikkim


Deans of School

School of Life Sciences
 Prof. Laxuman Sharma

Prof. Laxuman Sharma

03592 - 251188

School of Languages and Literature
प्रो. रोजी चामलिंग

Prof. Rosy Chamling

03592 - 251078

School of Human Sciences
Prof S Panda

Prof. Satyananda Panda

03592 - 251221

School of Physical Sciences

Prof. Swarup Roy

03592 - 251222

School of Social Sciences
Prof. V. Krishna Ananth

Prof. V. Krishna Ananth

03592 - 251111

School of Professional Studies
Prof. Yodida Bhutia

Prof. Yodida Bhutia

03592 - 251225

Guidelines for Practical and Dissertation Paper

Guidelines for Practical and Dissertation Paper

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Guidelines for Eligibility and Quantum of Grants for participation/paper presentation etc in any National and International seminar / conference and similar other academic programmes

Guidelines for Eligibility and Quantum of Grants for participation/paper presentation etc

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Notifications - 31/2020

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Guidelines for Research Projects

Guidelines for Research Projects

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Click here to download document

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1. MoU with INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad for Shodhganga

Sikkim University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad on 1st March 2012 to take part in the process of digitization of old theses and dissertations and building-up of digital repository and to promote, share and host its ETD in “Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian theses submitted to the Universities in India” and other Universities in open access.

MoU with MaulanaAbulKalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkata

Sikkim University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkata on 17th December 2013 with common goals related to research activities in the area of social science research and seek to develop collaborations and exchange between themselves in the areas of shared research interest and expertise. Both the organizations have agreed to work together on the following set of objectives:

  1. This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) serves as a written understanding of mutually agreed principles, between the MAKAIAS and the SU to guide the academic and research activities between two institutions.
  2. The general purpose of this collaboration is to stimulate and provide research opportunity to the post-graduate, MPhil, and PhD students, and also other senior researchers, in increasing the effectiveness in social science research in North-east India and its neighbourhoods, jointly organize seminars, conferences, and academic workshops on topics of mutual interests, publish books, monographs, seminar and workshop volumes, etc., and disseminateknowledge.
  3. The specific purpose of this collaboration is to set up aMaulanaAzad Centre for Research on Northeast Indiaat SU, which will function as a nodal centre for coordinating the research activities in Sikkim state on North-east India & its neighbourhoods funded by the MAKAIAS and maintain a close collaborative relation with the MAKAIAS, Kolkata, West Bengal.
3. Memorandum of Understanding between Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), New Delhi and Sikkim University

Sikkim University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) New Delhi on 22ndApril, 2012. The MOU explores possibilities between the parties on possible collaborations on various research projects, joint organization of seminars and conferences, exchange of faculties and students and other professional, technical and academic collaboration benefitting both the institutions. The Memorandum also seeks joint publications by researchers/faculty members of the institutions. The MOU gives vast opportunities for Sikkim University to work with one of the most prominent research institutions in the country.

4. Collaborative Agreement with CABI Europe – UK

<>Sikkim University entered into a Collaborative Agreement with CABI E-UK (a UK based Intergovernmental organization) on 1stJuly 2013 for facilitating research activities in the Department of Horticulture. Under this Agreement, CABI funded an amount of £4,500 to incur the expenditures related to the research activities which continued upto 31.12.2014. The Agreement has been further extended till 31.12.2020 for completion of the research project.

MoU with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), New Delhi

Sikkim University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), New Delhi on 24th September 2014 for creation of an Endowment Fund with a corpus of ₹1,25,000/- and to institute a gold plated medal to be awarded to the topper of B.Com (Honours) at every Convocation of the University.

6. Academic Collaboration with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

Sikkim University entered into academic collaboration on 26thOctober2016 with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan through its Biomedical Research Institute, Japan on the following areas of cooperative academic engagement:

  1. Exchange information on research and education programmes, teaching and learning material etc;
  2. Jointly organize short-term continuing education programmes, seminar, conferences and workshops on topics of mutual interest and invite each other’s researches to participate;
  3. Jointly propose and engage in research or training programmes sponsored by funding agencies and to exchange on a reciprocal basis researchers and students for limited period;
7. Agreement between the Institute of Company Secretaries of India – Eastern India Regional Office (ICSI) and Sikkim University (SU)

Sikkim University entered into an Agreement with Institute of Company Secretaries of India – Eastern India Regional Office (ICSI) on 29th November 2016 for setting up of a Study Centre of ICSI at the premises of the University christened as “ICSI-SU Study Centre”.

8. MoU between Sikkim University and Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management

Sikkim University entered into MoU with Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, Gwalior on 11th July 2016 to promote mutual cooperation in educational and research activities and establish a framework for programmes of exchanges and collaboration in areas of tourism for mutual benefit. The following are the key areas of cooperation:

  1. Joint Research Programme
  2. Joint holding of Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training/Symposia etc.
  3. Faculty exchange programme
  4. Student exchange programme
  5. Research scholar exchange programme
  6. Exchange of knowledge resource
9. Memorandum of Understanding with Royal Thimphu College, Thimphu, Bhutan

The University entered into MoU with Royal Thimphu College, Thimphu, Bhutan on 17thAugust 2016 for the purpose of facilitating academic collaboration and exchange activities with the following goals as agreed upon:

  1. To enrich the educational environment of both institutions through, but not limited to, student and faculty exchanges, collaborative research works, academic field trips, short courses, summer/winter schools, and break-term programmes (e.g., winter, spring).
  2. To increase educational opportunities through teaching, research, seminars, workshops, publications, etc.
  3. To promote research collaborations through sharing of information, samples, digital records, data, photographs etc.
  4. To improve inter-institutional contacts by facilitating access to field areas, libraries, laboratories and through intellectual exchanges.
  5. To provide both parties with more and better information about each other in order to improve inter-institutional understanding.
10. Collaborative Agreement between Sikkim University and Food Security & Agriculture Development Department (FSADD), Govt. of Sikkim

The Collaborative Agreement was signed on 6th March 2017 with the purpose for setting up of a Biofertilizer and Quality Control Lab by the FSADD, Govt. of Sikkim at the premises of Sikkim University under the control of the Department of Horticulture. Under this Agreement, Sikkim University acting as a Collaborator shall provide services to the FSADD, Govt. of Sikkim as per the terms and conditions agreed upon. Since works under this Collaborative Agreement are due for completion, both the Institutions mutually agreed to enter into a fresh Collaborative Agreement for a further period of five years w.e.f. 15.01.2020.

11. MoU with Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

MoU was entered with Namgyal Institute of Tibetology (NIT) located at Deorali, Gangtok, East Sikkim on 6th July 2017 for mutual benefit of both the institutions in the areas of certification, research, education and training, including undertaking of collaborative research in fields of mutual interest.

12. MoU with National Council of Rural Institutes, Hyderabad

Sikkim University entered into MoU with National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI), Hyderabad on 28th July 2017 with the purpose of fulfilling a common vision of collaborative academic activity and to establish a working relationship in providing mutual guidance and research towards building of resilient rural India. Through this MoU, both the Institutes aims to collaboratively conduct workshops and share faculty and material resources.

13. MoU with National Research Centre for Orchids, Pakyong, East Sikkim

Sikkim University entered into MoU with National Research Centre for Orchids (NRCO) Pakyong, East Sikkimestablished by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi on 1st September 2017 with the purpose to provide research opportunity to the students and scholars of either institution in increasing the effectiveness of teaching and research in orchids, jointly organise seminars, conferences, and academic workshops on topics of mutual interests, publish books, monographs, seminar and workshop volumes, etc., and disseminate knowledge relating mainly but not limited to orchids.

14. Agreement on Mutual Academic and Educational Cooperation with Sikkim Manipal University

An Agreement on Mutual Academic and Educational Cooperation was signed with Sikkim Manipal University on 14th Nov. 2019. The objective of this agreement is to foster collaboration between the two Institutions in the field of Management, Basic Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences, Allied Health Sciences, Medical Science & Technology and potential industrial application thereof to facilitate advancement of knowledge on the basis of reciprocity, best effort, mutual benefit and frequent interactions.

15. MoU with Institute of Bio-resources and Sustainable Development

An MoU was signed on 2nd October 2019 with Institute of Bio-resources and Sustainable Development with the general purpose to provide research opportunity to the students and researchers of both institutions in increasing the effectiveness of teaching and research, jointly organise seminars, conferences and academic workshops on topics of mutual interests, publish books, monographs, seminar and workshop volumes etc., and knowledge dissemination.

16. MoU with G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development

An MoU was signed on 13th September 2019 with G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development to undertake joint research projects and academic activities between the two Institutions focussing focused by and large on the issues relevant to the Eastern Himalaya with due consideration of geo-environmental conditions, ecosystem approach, community participation, socio-economics, participatory/rapid rural appraisal, sustainable development and capacity building on low-cost mountain farming/allied technologies.

17.MoU with Biotech Park

An MoU was signed on 4th September 2019 with Biotech Park, Lucknow with the purpose for academic collaboration between the two Institutions for sharing of resources and expertise to promote Biotechnology related research, human resource development and sharing of resources and expertise in broad areas of Biotechnology related to Health, Agriculture, Industrial Application, Environment & Energy.

18. MoU with Center for Human Security Studies

An MoU was signed on 19th April 2019 withCenter for Human Security Studies, Hyderabad for academic and professional collaborations. The scope of activities under the MoU shall be to organize Seminars/Workshops/ Conferences, joint research projects & orientation, internships for students and projects/policy formulations.

NIRF Report 2024

Sikkim University NIRF 2024

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NIRF Report 2023

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Archived NIRF Reports


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Top University Details_3D

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Higher Studies

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Executive Development Program

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Consultancy Project Detail

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OVERALL-Full Report-MHRD 2017, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)-OVERALL

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MGMT-Full Report-MHRD 2017, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)-MGMT

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LAW-Full Report-MHRD 2017, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)-LAW

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ASHC-Full Report MHRD 2017, National Institutional Ranking Framework NIRF ARTS SCIENCE HUMANITIES

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National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Report 2018

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All Report-MHRD, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2019

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NIRF Report 2020

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NIRF Report 2021

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NIRF Report 2022

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Publications by SU Faculty Members

Anthropology Department  
  1. Maiti, S. (2014). A tough road ahead - intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy: a study of rural Uttar Pradesh (India). Sociological Bulletin 63(3): 386-406.
  2. Wouters, J.J.P. (2014). Performing democracy in Nagaland: past polities and present politics. Economic and Political Weekly XLIX (16): 59-66.
  3. Wouters, J.J.P. (2014). Book Review: Gellner, D.N. (ed.) Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, New Series, VII (1): 223-226.
  4. Wouters, J.J.P. (2015). Land and Tribal Ambivalences. In: Challenges of Land Development. Kohima (Ed. Takatemjen), pp. 72-85. Clark Centre of Peace Research and Action, Kohima.
Botany Department
  1. Chhetri, D.R. (2014). Metabolic changes in Rhododendron arboreum Smith in response to abiotic stress induced by salinity and abscisic acid. International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences 2(6): 91-102.
  2. Chhetri, D.R. (2014). Medicinal Plants of the Himalaya: Production Technology and Utilization. Agrobios, Jodhpur, ISBN: 978-81-7754-558-6.
  3. Chhetri, D.R. (2014). L-myo-Inositol -1-phosphate synthase from Diplopterygium glaucum. Scholars Press, Saarbrucken, pages172. ISBN: 978-3639711462.
  4. Barik, S.K., Adhikari, D., Chettri, A. and Singh, P.P. (2015). Diversity of Lianas in Eastern Himalayas and Northeastern India.In: Biodiversity of Lianas, Sustainable Development and Biodiversity (Ed. N. Parthasarathy), 99-121. Springer International Publishing, Cham (ZG), Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-14592-1.
Chemistry Department
  1. Ghosh,   P., Roy B. G., Mukhopadhyay S. K., and Banerjee, P. (2015). Recognition of fluoride anion at low ppm level inside living cell and from fluorosis affected tooth and saliva samples.  RSC Adv. 5: 27387-27392.
  2. Banerjee, M., Chatterjee, A. Kumar, V., Bhutia, Z. T., Khandare, D. G., Majik M. S., and Roy, B.G. (2014). A simple and efficient mechanochemical route for the synthesis of 2-arylbenzothiazoles and substituted benzimidazoles. RSC Adv. 4: 39606- 39611.
  3. Bazracharza, A., Rana, M., Roy B. G., Tiwari, A., and Tripathi, A. (2014). Optical characterization of medicinal plant’s extracts used for the treatment of diabetes. Journal of Herb. Spic. Med.  Plant. 21: 86-101.
Chinese Department
  1. Roy, D. (2014). Chinese humanist thought on state and society-is there something to learn from ancient Chinese philosophical writings for modern Governments. International Journal of Language and Linguistics 1(1):15-29.ISSN: 2374-8850.
  2. Roy, D. (2014). Fifth century common era- reorienting Chinese Buddhist monastic tradition, redefining India-China buddhist monastic relations: a critical study.Working Paper Series, Emerging Scholar Papers, India China Institute, The New School, New York, pp. 1-16.
Commerce Department
  1. Shankar, A.N. (2015). Longitudinal appraisal of financial inclusion parameters for North-East India. In: Development of North-East India Multidimensional Perspective Volume 1 (Ed. R.P. Vadhera), pp. 1-16. Manglam Publishers and Distributors India, Delhi. ISBN 978-93-82816-20-1.
Computer Applications Department
  1. Rai, R. (2014). IASC-CI: Improved Ant based Swarm Computing for Classifying Imagery. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 5 (3): 4181-4189. ISSN: 0975-9646.
  2. Rai, R. (2014). Validation of range of resistance of sensor through sensor data acquisition using simplot: acase study. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 4 (3): 1251-1255. ISSN: 2277 128X.
  3. Rai, R. (2014). IAPSO-TCI: Improved ant and particle swarm based optimization techniques for classifying imagery. International Journal of Computer Science And Information Technologies 5(4): 5963-5969. ISSN: 0975-9646.
  4. Chettri, L. (2014). Visual cryptography scheme based on pixel expansion for black & white image. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 5 (3): 4190-4193.
  5. Sebastian S. and Ray, P. P. (2015). Development of IoT invasive architecture for complying with health of home. In: Proceedings of I3CS, Shillong, pp.79-83. IGI Global, Shillong.
  6. Sebastian S. and Ray, P. P. (2015). When soccer gets connected to internet. In: Proceedings of I3CS, Shillong, pp.84-88. IGI Global, Shillong.
  7. Ray, P. P. and Rai, R. (2014). Validation of range of resistance of sensor through sensor data acquisition using simplot: a case study. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 3(4): 1251-1255. ISSN: 2277-128X.
  8. Ray, P. P. (2014). Home health hub internet of things (h3iot): an architectural framework for monitoring health of elderly people. In: Proceedings of IEEE ICSEMR, Chennai, (Indexed in IEEE Explore).
  9. Ray, P. P. (2014). Internet of things based physical activity monitoring (pamiot): an architectural framework to monitor human physical activity. In: Proceedings of CALCON (National Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, pp.32-34, Kolkata.
Economics Department
  1. Choubey, M. (2015). Financial Inclusion in Bihar: Role of Business Correspondence. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management 3 (69): 93-96.
  2. Choubey, M. (2015). Managing human resource in microfinance institutions - A case study of Bihar. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review 4 (3): 39-51. ISSN 2319-2836.
  3. Pandey, P. and Choubey, M. (2015). Production of milk and livelihood status of dairy co-operative member and non-member household in East Sikkim, India. International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management 4 (1): 29-37.
  4. Choubey, M. (2015). Area and production of tea in India: an analysis. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research 4 (4): 57-62.
  5. Choubey, M. (2014). Production of pulses in India: an econometric analysis. International Journal of Current Research, International Journal of Current Research 6 (9): 8893-8896.
  6. Choubey, M. (2014). Economic analysis of production and export of garlic. International Journal of Current Research 6 (7): 7698-7702.
  7. Singh, M. Amarjeet and Singha, K. (2015). Ethnicity and Sikkimese identity in Sikkim. Eastern Quarterly 8(3 & 4): 131–41.
  8. Singha, K., Choudhary, R. and Vishnu, K. (2014). Growth and diversification of horticulture crops in Karnataka: an inter-district analysis. Sage Open 1-7: DOI: 10.1177/2158244014548018.
  9. Singha, K. (2014). Development of horticultural sector in India– an Assessment. Journal of Economic Philosophy 2(1): 1-8. ISSN: 2329-941X.
  10. Kundu, R. (2014). Potential of Organic Farming for Providing Sustainable Livelihood: A Study in East Sikkim. In: Development, Environment and Sustainable Livelihood (Eds. S.K. Datta and A. Sengupta), pp 254-271. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, MIL. ISBN: 9781322216003.
  11. Kundu, R. (2014). Climate Change in the Eastern Himalaya: Impact on Livelihoods, Growth and Poverty. In: North East Studies and Policy Research (Eds. S. Hazarika and R. Banerjee), pp. 3-32.Jamia Millia Islamia, Academic Publication, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-83931-29-3.
  12. Guha, P. (2015). Economics of Tourism in Mizoram: A SWOT Analysis. International Journal of Current Research 6(7): 7557-7562.
  13. Guha, P. (2015). A Study on the Differences in the Banking Parameters between Pre- and Post-Financial Inclusion Periods: Some Evidence for India. The IUP Journal of Bank Management 14(1): 39-56.
  14. Guha, P. (2014). Small Scale Tea Cultivation in Assam. In: Identity, Politics and Economic Development in North East India, (Eds. K.Singha and M.A.Singh), pp. 353-362. Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. ISBN-13:978-93-5125-040-1.
  15. Guha, P. (2015). Trans-border Trade Intensity: A Case for India's North East. In: Development Perspectives in North East India: Micro and Macro Studies (Ed. R.K.P.G. Singha), pp. 9-25. Lakshi Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-82120-58.
  16. Singha, K. and Singh M. Amarjeet (2014). Identity, Politics and Economic Development of North-East India. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 372 pages. ISBN 978-93-5125-040.
  17. Mohapatra, R. (2015). Decomposition of SBM Technical Efficiency of the Secondary Education System into Radial Efficiency and Mix Efficiency: A State-wise Analysis in India. Journal of Social Sciences Research 7(2): 1304-1315
Education Department
  1. Misra, S. and Kapoor, P. (2014). Professional orientation for creating human resources excellence in teacher education. In: Prospects and Issues Concerning Education at Secondary Level (Ed. N.S.C.Momin and J.V. Madhusudan), pp. 378-398. Manas Publishers and Distributors, Jaipur. ISBN 978-81-921743-8-9.
  2. Kishor, V. and Bhadwal, S. P. (2014). Innovating education: promoting edutainment through films as teaching aid. Contemporary Research in India 4 (2): 16-19.ISSN: 2231-2137.
  3. Kishor, V. (2014). Parental encouragement. Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 5 (2): 176-179. ISSN: 0975-6795.
  4. Kishor, V. and Walia, J. (2014).Role of guidance and counselling services in schools for universalisation of elementary education. Indian Journal of Humanities 4 (3): 82-85. ISSN: 2248-9541
  5. Kishor, V. (2014). Academic achievement of high school students having differential levels of reasoning ability. Shaikshiki-An International Journal of Educational Research 1(1): 20-27.ISSN: 2394-191X.
  6. Kishor, V. (2015).Youth and politics. In: Youth Development in India-Voice for the Youth, Voice of the Youth (Ed. D. Sarmah), pp. 19-25. Shanti Educational Foundation, Guwahati. ISBN: 978-93-83580-42-2.
English Department
  1. Sengupta, J. (2015). The Baul sursadhak: the tradition and individual Talent. Journal of Literature and Art Studies 5 (2): 151-157. David Publishing, USA. ISSN 2159-5836.
  2. Yadav, R.B. (2014). Colonial historiography vs postcolonial historiography: history, myth and allegory in Shashi Tharoor’s The Great Indian Novel. Lapis Lazuli 8 (2): 7-13. ISSN-2249-4529.
Geography Department
  1. Firdos, S. (2014).Book Review of Churning the earth: themaking of global India. Millennial Asia 5 (1): 119-121.
  2. Firdos, S. (2014). Changing Land Ownership Patterns and its Impact on Social Relations in Sikkim. In: Land Records Management in India: A Plea for Reforms (Eds. A.A.A. Faizi and H.C. Behera), pp. 205-213. Concept publishing Company, New Delhi.
  3. Ahmed, R. (2014). Anxiety, violence and the postcolonial state: understanding the anti-Bangladeshi rage in Assam. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 29 (1): 55-70.
  4. Ahmed, R. (2014).Assam’s D-Voters. Himal, May 26,
  5. Hannan, A. (2014). Public-private partnership in elementary education and the process of social inclusion in Sikkim. In: Right to Education: Challenges and Strategies (Eds. M. Sarumathy and Gyanmudra), pp. 70-77. National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad.
  6. Khawas, V. (2014). Indigenous knowledge in use of disaster risk reduction: a case of Sikkim Himalaya. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pathways toclimateresilientlivelihoods in the Himalayan River Basins (Eds. Nair, A. and P. K.Sing et al), pp. 32-33. IRMA, Anand, Gujarat.
Hindi Department
  1. Singh, A.V. (2014). Darshkon ke Jehan Me Hamesa Moujud Rahega. Samved 73- 75: 207-209.
  2. Singh, A.V. (2014).  Apne Ji Me Hamne Thani Aur Hai. Arya Sandesh 11: 78-80.
  3. Singh, A.V. (2015).  Hey Wardi Hamen Khsama kar Do. Samved 84: 109-111.
  4. Singh, A.V. (2015).  Ek Mukammal Taamir. Shabdarth 10: 122 –123.
  5. Dviwedi, S.K. (2014). Stree Jivan Aur Divya. Anbhai Sanch 5: 84 -87.
  6. Prasad, B. (2014). Sahitya Aur Samaj: Analochit Paksh. Pravah 3: 10-11.
History Department
  1. Krishna Ananth, V. (2014). Where does the Aam Aadmi Party stand? Economic and Political Weekly Vol - XLIX No. 14, April 5, 2014, pp 13-15.
  2. Krishna Ananth, V. (2014). An analysis of the poll scene in Tamil Nadu. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol - XLIX No. 17, April 26, 2014, pp 14-15.
  3. Krishna Ananth, V. (2014). Exemplary teacher who left behind a school of thought. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol - XLIX No. 41, October 11, 2014, pp 30-31.
  4. Krishna Ananth, V. (2014). Politics in the times of churning - a jounalist’s perception. Daya Publications, Madurai. ISBN: 9788192219011.
  5. Krishna Ananth, V. (2015). Achutanandan’s splendid isolation. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol L- No 13, March, 28, 2015, pp-17-19.
  6. Krishna Ananth, V. (2015). The Indian Constitution and social revolution: Right to Property since Independence. SAGE Publications India, Private Limited, New Delhi, (Sage Modern Indian History Series) ISBN: 9789351500636.
Horticulture Department
  1. Subba, P., Mukhopadhyay, M., Mahato, S.K., Bhutia, K.D., Mondal, T.K. and Ghosh, S.K. (2014). Zinc stress induces physiological, ultra structural and biochemical changes in mandarin orange seedling. Physiology and Molecular Biology Pl. 20: 461-473.
  2. Suresh, C.P. Bhutia, K.D. Shukla, G. Pradhan, K and Chakravarthy, S. (2014). Wild edible fruits of Sikkim Himalayas. Journal of Tree Science 33: 43-48.
  3. Bazracharza, A., Rana, M., Roy B., Tiwari, A. and Tripathi, A. (2014). Optical characterisation of medicinal plants’ extracts used for the treatment of diabetes. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants. DOI: 10.1080/10496475.2014.910584.
  4. Pradhan, S., Manivannan, S. and Tamang, J.P. (2015). Proximate, mineral composition and anti oxidant properties of some wild leafy vegetables. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 74: 155-159.
International Relations Department
  1. Pradhan, Sunil, (2015). Politics in Nepal: monarchy, democracy and governance, RCSS Policy Studies 59, New Delhi: Manohar.
Management Department
  1. Rama Devi, V. (2015). Service quality gap – a literature review, SS International Journal of Economics and Management. International Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management 5(2): 11-18.
  2. Rama Devi, V. (2014). Human resource development climate in healthcare and banking sector. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 21(7): 1055-1060.
  3. Rama Devi, V. (2014). Impact of technology on employee engagement – detrimental or beneficial? Pacific Business Review International 7(4): 10-12.
  4. Rama Devi, V. (2014). Empirical study on demographic correlates of emotional intelligence of engineering students. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 7(12): 33-44.
  5. Rama Devi, V. (2014). Impact of knowledge management on organizational performance in higher educational institutions. Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management 1(9): 400-403.
  6. Das, P.K. (2015). Information system in enhancing managerial competencies: an organisational perspective, JCSE International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 3(1): 136-140.
  7. Das, P.K. (2014). Referencing system in writing: Asia style. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary 2(2): 301-304.
  8. Das, P. K. (2014). Problems and prospects of tourism industry in Sikkim. The Journal of Social Science Researcher 5 (3): 32-43.
  9. Das, P.K. (2015). Industrial Relations – an Indian Perspective. Kunal Books, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-82420-73-6.
  10. Murari, K. (2015). Exchange rate volatility estimation using GARCH models, with special reference to Indian Rupee against world currencies. IUP Journal of Applied Finance 21(1): 22-37.
  11. Murari, K. and Kumari, P. (2015). Contract farming in Indian perspective: a necessity for sustainable rural development/sustainable agriculture in 21st century: strategic approaches & practices. In: Sustainable Agriculture in 21st century: Strategic Approaches & Practices.  (Eds. N. H. Zaidi and M. M. Khan), pp. 49-59. Regal Publication, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-8484-408-5.
Mass Communication Department
  1. Basnett. P. and Guha. S. (2014). Kanchenjunga and Sikkim Press: How media started its Practice in Sikkim. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 19 (10): 20-24.
  2. Buragohain, N. (2014). A Glimpse of media of North East India. In: Journalism and Media Industry of North East India (Ed. Z. U. Alam), pp. 1-19. Eastern Book House, Guwahati. ISBN no: 978-93-83252-31-2.
Microbiology Department
  1. Chettri, R. and Tamang, J.P. (2014). Functional properties of Tungrymbai and Bkang, naturally fermented soybean foods of India. International Journal of Fermented Foods 3: 87-103.
  2. Rai, Ranjita, Kharel, N. And Tamang, J.P. (2014). HACCP model of kinema,a fermented soybean food. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 73: 588-592 (Impact factor: 0.505).
  3. Gajamer V. R. and Tiwari, H.K. (2014). Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Disease and Its Associated Risk Factors in Sikkim and Darjeeling Districts. Journal of Community Health.DOI:10.1007/10900-014-9826-x
  4. Tamang, J.P. (2015). Health Benefits of Fermented Foods and Beverages. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, pages 636. ISBN: 978-1-4665-88097.
  5. Tamang, J.P. (2014). Biochemical and modern identification techniques – microfloras of fermented foods. In: Encyclopaedia of Food Microbiology, 2ndedition (Eds: Batt, C. and Tortorello, M.A.), pp. 250-258. Elsevier Ltd., Oxford.
  6. Tamang, J.P. and Thapa, N. (2014). Some non-fermented ethnic foods of Sikkim in India. Journal of Ethnic Foods (Elsevier) 1: 29-33.
  7. Chakrabarty, J., Sharma, G.D. and Tamang, J.P. (2014). Traditional technology and product characterization of some lesser-known ethnic fermented foods and beverages of North Cachar Hills District of Assam. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 13 (4): 706-715. (Impact factor: 0.492).
  8. Tamang, J.P. (2015). Naturally fermented ethnic soybean foods of India. Journal of Ethnic Foods (Elsevier) 2: 8-17.
  9. Chettri, R. and Tamang, J.P. (2015). Bacillus species isolated from Tungrymbai and Bekang, naturally fermented soybean foods of India. International Journal of Food Microbiology 197: 72-76 (Impact factor: 3.155)
  10. Pradhan, S., Manivannan, S. and Tamang, J.P. (2015).Proximate, mineral composition and antioxidant properties of some wild leafy vegetables. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 74: 155-159. (Impact factor: 0.505).
  11. Tamang, J.P., Thapa, N., Tamang, B., Rai, A. and Chettri, R. (2015). Chapter 1. Microorganisms in fermented foods and beverages. In: Health Benefits of Fermented Foods (Ed: Tamang, J.P.), pp. 1-110. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York. ISBN: 978-1-4665-88097.
  12. Thapa, N. and Tamang, J.P. (2015). Chapter 2. Functionality and therapeutic values of fermented foods. In: Health Benefits of Fermented Foods ((Ed: Tamang, J.P.),pp. 111-168. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York. ISBN: 978-1-4665-88097.
Nepali Department
  1. Pradhan, P.C. (2014). Bhramar Upanyasko Kritiparak Vishleshan ra Mulyankan. Ekta Books Publication, Kathmandu.
  2. Pradhan, P.C. (2014). Shodha Parak Samalochanako kasima: Darjeelingko Nepali jati: Euta Aitihasik Adhyan. In: Kumar Kriti (Ed. M.P. Subba), pp. 34-37. Mukti Prakashan, Siliguri. ISBN: 978-81-909354-1-8.
  3. Pradhan, P.C. (2014). A Short History of English Writing in Nepali. In: Gender Perspectives: South Asian Writings in English and in English Translations (Ed. B. Chakraborti and A.S. Chandel), pp. 199-203. Today & Tomorrow, New Delhi. ISBN: 81 7019 498 9.
  4. Pradhan, P.C. (2014). Aadhunik Bharateli Nepali Upanyas (Modern Indian Nepali Novels), Bharatiya Nepali Upanyas: Sankchhipta Rooprekha, Birpada: Nepali Department, Birpada College, pp. 20-21. ISBN 978 93 84671 129.
  5. Pradhan, P.C. (2014). Bharatiya Nepali Upanyas Parampara: Samchhipta Ruprekha.In: Aadhunik Bharateli Nepali Upanyas (Ed. D. K. Pradhan), pp. 8-21. Nepali Department, Birpara College. ISBN 978 93 84671 12 9.
  6. Lama, K. (2014). Banira Girika Kehi Kavitama Paryavaraniya Narivad. In: Kritistamba (Ed. N. Prasai), pp. 29-45. Nai Prakashan, Kathmandu.
  7. Lama, K. (2014). Kavi Kalusingh Ranapaheli Samaiko Galabandhibhitra. Ajambari, Darjeeling Govt. College, Darjeeling, pp.319-323.
  8. Lama, K. (2014).Nepali Diaspora ra Bhanubaktiya Ramayan. In: Bhanubaktaka Kriti: Dwishatakiya Drishti (Ed. G. Nepal), pp. 103-128. Nepali Sahitya Sansthan, Kalimpong. ISBN-978-81-926641-56.
  9. Sharma, P. (2014).Nari swatantrata ra utthan. In: Anantadristi (Ed. D.K. Giri), pp. 100-105. Milap Publication Pvt. Lt., Kathmandu. ISBN-978-9937-2-6403-7.
  10. Pandey, B., Sinha, S.and Majhi, I.P.(2014). Sikkimma Majhi Bhasa: Parichayatamak Adhyayan. Nepali Akademi Journal 10 (10): 62-70. ISSN 2321-144x.
  11. Subba, D. (2014). Sahitya Sanket. In: Nepali Varnamala (Ed. K. Chhetri), pp. 56-66. Sahitya Adhyayan Samiti, Kalimpong. ISSN 22778-2761.
  12. Subba, D. (2014). Kumar Pradhanka Addhyayan dritima Bhanu Bhaktako Ramayan. In: Kumar Kirti (Ed. M. Thakuri et al.), pp. 93-98. Mukti Prakasan, Siliguri. ISBN- 978-81-909354-1-8.
  13. Subba, D. (2014). Bhanubhaktako Ramayanma Privesh Dharmdarshan. In: Bhanu Bhaktaka Kriti Duisatiya Driti (Ed. G.S. Nepal), pp. 52-59. Nepali Sahitya Sansthan, Siliguri. ISSN 978-81-926641-5-6.
  14. Pandey, B. (2014). Kiratka Kathaharuko Shilpa. In: Kirat Abhinandan Grantha (Ed. P. Gurung), pp. 69-75. Shyam Brothers Prakashan, Darjeeling.
  15. Pandey, B. (2014).Sanchar Madhyam ra Bhasaka Kura. In: Abhivyakti (Ed. A. Piyusha et al.) pp. 36-46. Sikkim Patrakar Sangha, Gangtok. ISBN 978-81-923764-7-1.
Peace and Conflict Studies and Management Department
  1. Paswan, N. K. (2015). India and Central Asia: Deepening Economic Cooperation. APH: New Delhi.
  2. Paul, S. (2015). Politics of Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity Associated Traditional Knowledge: The Experience of India, Lambert Academic Publication, ISBN: 978-3-659-40804-5.
  3. Paul, S. and Nitya, S. (2015). Renewed hope of India’s foreign policy under Modi Government: a critical appraisal of challenges and opportunities. FPRC Journal 1: 100-104. ISSN 2277–2464:100-104.
  4. Chhetry, T.K. (2015). Buffer Ethnic Group(s): Understanding the existentiality of Gorkha community in space of multi-ethnic contestation(s) of Chirang district, Assam. In: Democracy and Development in India’s North-East: Challenges and Opportunities (Eds. L.S. Gassah and C.J. Thomas), pp. 189-203. Bookwell, Delhi in association with ICSSR-NERC, Shillong. ISBN: 978-93-80574-74-5.
  5. Chhetry, T.K. and Adhikari, N. (2014). Regional Politics in India: (Re)scanning Party behaviour in Sikkim. In: Socio-cultural and Political Integration in India (Ed. G. Pathak), pp. 365-377. DSSN Publication India, New Delhi. ISBN: 9789383575282.
  6. Chhetry, T.K. (2014). In doubled disorder: (Re) locating ethnic minority Gorkhas in contested space of ethno-nationalisms in Assam. In: Self-determination Movement in North-east India (Ed. K. Brahma), pp. 63-87. LAP-Lambert. ISBN: 978-3-659-61005-9.
  7. Chhetry, T.K. (2014). The Flipside of Indo-Nepal Friendship and Peace Treaty 1950: (Re) evaluating Impacts on Gorkha of Assam. In: Marginalized/Subaltern Voices and Beyond: Issue and Challenges in North-East India Federalism (Ed. J. Pathak), pp. 265-273. Excel India Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 9789383842940.
  8. Chhetry, T.K. (2014). Tourism Industry in Sikkim: Potential, Constraints and Remedies. In: Tourism in India (Ed. G. Pathak), pp. 169-191. Avon Publications, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-8183-950-8.
  9. Chhetry, T.K. (2014). (Un) noticed History and Present of the People at Social Margin: A Case Study of Nepali Bhariya in Darjeeling. In: Socio-Religious and Cultural Understanding of the Historical Researches in India (Ed. G. Pathak), pp. 35-467. S.K. Book Agency, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-8315-837-9.
  10. Chhetry, T.K. and Nath, D. (2014). Making Sense of student politics in India’s Northeast: Different paradigms. Journal of North-East Region 2(1): 450-457. Global Publishing House India, New Delhi. ISSN: 2321-0583.
  11. Chhetry, T.K. (2014). Exploited Perspiration(s)?: Screening the Status of Labourers and Labour Laws from Pakyong Airport Construction Site, Sikkim. In: Socio-cultural and Political Integration in India (Ed. G. Pathak), pp. 339-348. DSSN Publication India, New Delhi. ISBN: 9789383575282.
  12. Joseph, B. (2014). Conflict transformation in Northeast India: the media imperative. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 2 (10): 102 -106. ISSN: 2321-9203.
  13. Joseph, B. (2014). Resolving immigration and transforming ethnic conflicts: with special reference to Northeast India. International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences 1(2): 13-17.
  14. Joseph, B. (2015).Ethnicity and ethnic conflict: a search for identity or an identity crisis? With special reference to Northeast India. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development 4(4): 352-357. ISSN 2278-0211.
  15. Joseph, B. (2014). Promoting Peace Inciting Violence: The role of Religion and Media, New York: Routledge. The Peace Journalist, A publication of the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University, 3(2): 14.
  16. Joseph, B. (2014). “Plathottam, George (2013), Press and Social responsibility: A content analysis of Newspapers in Northeast India”, New Delhi: Segment Books, Interviews: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences 1(1): 135-139. ISSN: 2349- 400X.
  17. Nath, D. (2014). All the way from Moreh: Rhetoric Countering Reality. In: Self-determination Movement in North-east India (Ed. K. Brahma), LAP-Lambert, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-61005-9.
  18. Bhutia, D. (2014). Empowerment of Indian women in 21st century: amere illusion. Human Rights 2(2): pp. 603-609. ISSN 2320-6942 ISBN 978-9-84124-17-5.
  19. Subba, B. (2014). Women “quest” for empowerment in Sikkim’s society. International Journal of Scientific and Research 4(9), ISSN 2250-3153.
  20. Subba, B. (2015). Understanding food security in Sikkim: A case study of Tathanchen Shyari Ward. Scholars World, Astral International Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-5130-623-8.
  21. Rai, M. (2014). Women’s health security: an analysis of small health post in Darjeeling district. In: Integrating the culture and socio and economic Identity of India (Eds. Choudhary, B. and Thagendra, C.), pp. 348-359. SSND, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-8357-528-2.
Physics Department
  1. Dhakal, D., Tiwari, A., Tambe S, Sinha, UK and Arrawatia ML (2014). Isotope studies to identify the origin and recharge area of Himalayan springs as a climate change adaptation initiative: a case study from Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering 7 (1): 135-140.
  2. Bazracharza, A., Rana. M, Roy, B., Tiwari, A. and Tripathi, A. (2015). Optical characterization of medicinal plants’ extracts used for the treatment of diabetes. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants 21(1): 86-101.
  3. Tiwari, A., Tripathi, A. and Pathak, A.P. (2015).Swift heavy ion irradiation of muscovite and biotite substrates.Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 343: 9-14.
  4. Mondal, T., Tripathi, A. and Tiwari, A. (2014). Magnetization reversal in transition metal doped [zno] nanoparticles. Physics Procedia 54: 90-94.
  5. Mukherjee, C., Rakshit, R, Ghorai, Samir., Sarmah, A.,Tiwari, A. and Roy, R.K. (2015).Inter–Ligand Azo (N=N) unit formation and thereafter stabilization of a co(ii)–diradical complex via metal–to–ligand dπ–pπ* back donation: synthesis, characterization, and theoretical study. Dalton Trans. 44: 3724-3727.
  6. Bhattacharyya, A. and Bhattacharji, S. (2014). Margin to metropolis: Lepchas of India and Igbos of Nigeria. Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences V (2): 32-42.
  7. Bhattacharyya, A. (2015). King topocles and the mythical origin of modern physics. Journal of Advanced Studies1: 42-48.
  8. Bartolotti, L.J., Rai, D., Kulkarni, A.D., Gejji, S.P.and Pathak, R.K. (2014).Water clusters (H2O)n [n = 9–20] in external electric fields: exotic O-H stretching frequencies near breakdown.Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1044: 66–73.(Impact factor: 1.36).
  9. Bhattacharyya, A. (2015). C V Raman and the Physics behind Indian Percussion Instruments. In: Saptak (Ed. K. Dutta), pp. 9-24. Monfokira Publishers, Kolkata, ISBN 978-93-80542-79-9.
Political Science Department
  1. Chhetri, D.P. (2014). Divided Spaces: Discourse on Social Exclusion and Women in India. Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-2121-225-0.
  2. Gupta, A.K. (2014). A Compendium of Social Exclusion and Inclusion in India: How’s India Faring in a Globalized World?’ In: Challenges of Globalization (Ed. A. Tandon), pp. 8-23. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-269-1153-6.
  3. Gupta, A.K. (2014). Indo-China Relations in the Era of Soft Power. In: Contours of India’s Foreign Policy: Changes and Challenges (Ed. M. Badrul Alam), pp. 160-173. Reference Press, Delhi. ISBN 978-81-8405-082-0.
  4. Gupta, A.K. (2015). The issue of ethnic identity in Indo-Nepal relations. In: India and Her Neighbours: Towards a Proactive Partnership (Ed. M.B. Alam), pp. 269-278, Kalpaz Publications, Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-5128-120-7.
  5. Lama, B.B. (2015). Participatory democracy and panchayats in India: problems and prospects. In: Decentralizing Rural Governance and Development: Perspectives, Ideas and Experiences (Ed. A. K. Jana), pp. 129-143. Rawat Publications, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-316-0681-0.
  6. Lama, B.B. (2015). Women’s participation in panchayats: an assessment. In: Women in Contemporary India: Aspects of Participation and Empowerment (Ed. D. Modak and E. Khan), pp. 298-307. Education Forum, Kolkata. ISBN 93-82600-12-4.
  7. Daimari, G. (2015). Bodo Nation: The fight for democratic justice. International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies 3(3): 283-287. ISSN 2321-9203.
 Psychology Department
  1. Walke, S. and Thingujam, N. S. (2014). Emotional intelligence deficits in deaf and hard of hearing adolescents. Indian Journal of Applied Psychology 51: 27-33.
 Zoology Department
  1. Singh, B., andChaudhuri, T.K., (2014). Role of C-reactive protein in Schizophrenia, an overview. Psychiatry Research 216: 277-285, (Impact factor: 2.682).


Sl.No Office Position

 Prof. Bhoj Kumar Acharya

Professor, Department of Zoology


Dr. K. Gauthaman

Principal, Government Pharmacy College

Sajong , Gangtok


Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Principal Scientist
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna


Dr. Nihar Ranjan Bhuyan
Principal, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute
Majhitar, Rangpo


Sh. Bhim Narayan Mitra
P.O. Devinagar, N.C. Sarani (CPCSEA Socially aware nominee)
Dist.: Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal


Dr. Ghanashyam Sharma



Dr. Nagendra Thakur
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology


Dr. Bisu Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Zoology


Dr. Sudeep Ghatani
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology

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Sl.No Designation Position

  Prof. Bhoj Kumar Acharya

Professor, Department of Zoology


Dr. K. Gauthaman

Principal, Government Pharmacy College

Sajong , Gangtok


Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Principal Scientist
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna


Dr. Nihar Ranjan Bhuyan
Principal, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute
Majhitar, Rangpo


Sh. Bhim Narayan Mitra
P.O. Devinagar, N.C. Sarani (CPCSEA Socially aware nominee)
Dist.: Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal


Dr. Ghanashyam Sharma



Dr. Nagendra Thakur
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology


Dr. Bisu Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Zoology


Dr. Sudeep Ghatani
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology

Member Secretary


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