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Mr. Pawan Kumar Ray

Dr. Pawan Kumar Ray

Assistant Professor(On Contract)

DOJ: 07/07/2023 Dept:

Academic record & distinction

M.Sc. in Mathematics (L.N.M.U. Darbhanga, Bihar).

MA in Education (IGNOU).

M.Ed. (Sikkim University).

Ph.D. in Education (Mizoram University).

Areas of Specialization

Educational Management & Administration, Higher Education, and Mathematics Education.  

Latest Publications

  1. Ray, P. K and Mishra, L. (2024). Impact of Experiential Learning Approaches on Problem Solving Ability in Pre- Service Teacher Trainees. Indian Journal of Psychology, ISSN: 0019-5553, Scopus Volume:3, 2024.  (pp.150-162). 
  2. Ray, P. K. (2024). Competency-Based Approaches in Education: Multidisciplinary approach to education in the perspective of NEP-2020 Kunal Books, New Delhi.  ISBN : 978-81-971396-1-1. April, 2024. (pp.166-179).
  3. Ray, P.K. (2023). Youth and Wellbeing: Impact of Intelligence on Life Skill Education of Young Pre-Service Elementary Teachers. Kunal Publication New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-95651-24-0. 2023. (pp.145-153).
  4. Ray, P.K. and Mishra, L. (2022). Impact of Activity Based Approaches on Mathematics Learning in Secondary Schools. International Journal of Special Education. ISSN 08273383, Scopus Volume:37, No.3, 2022. ( pp.5616-5627).
  5. Ray, P.K and Mishra, L.(2022).Impact of experiential learning approaches on  Mathematical  aptitude in Pre- Service Teacher Trainees. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Result. ISSN No. Print -0976-9234 online 2229-7723, Scopus. Volume:3 Issue 4,2022.  (pp.1876-1882). 
  6. Ray, P.K. and Mishra, L.(2022).Issues and challenges of Leadership and Role of Leader in Higher Education in India. ResMilitaris, Social science journal. ISSN: 2265-6294. Scopus. Volume: 12, no. 4, Spring , 2022. (pp.2992-3003). 
  7. Ray, P.K. and Mishra, L. (2022). Life Skill Education: Challenges and Role of Teachers. Journal of Namibian Studies.  ISSN: 2197-5523 (online), Scopus. Volume:31 S2,2022. (pp. 959-965). .