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डॉ. हेमाम दिनेश सिंह

Dr. Hemam Dinesh Singh

Assistant Professor

DOJ: 29/07/2009 Dept:

Academic record & distinction

MSc (Physics): Meerut University

PhD Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Topic:Numerical Simulations to Study Nonlinear Alfven Waves in Solar and Magnetospheric Plasmas

Areas of Specialization

Computational Physics, Space Plasma Physics

Latest Publications


  1. R. P. Sharma, H. D. Singh, and M. Malik (2006) ‘Alfvén wave filamentation and particle acceleration in solar wind and magnetosphere,’ Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A12108.
  2. H. D. Singh and R. P. Sharma (2007) ‘Transient evolution of nonlinear localized coherent structures of kinetic Alfvén waves’, Solar Physics, 243, 219-229.
  3. R. P. Sharma and H. D. Singh (2009): Density cavities associated with inertial Alfvén waves in auroral plasma, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A03109 (2009).