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डॉ. अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य

Dr. Amitabha Bhattacharyya

Associate Professor, Head

DOJ: 30/03/2012 Dept:

Academic record & distinction

MSc (Physicas) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

PhD Raman Research Institute, Bangalore (awarded by JNU, New Delhi).

PhD Topic: “Studies on the Phase Transitions and Molecular Conformations in Langmuir Monolayers”

Areas of Specialization  

Soft Condensed Matter, Surfactants.

Latest Publications

  1. Quest for an eco-friendly alternative surfactant: Surface and foam characteristics of natural surfactants, by Ambika Pradhan and Amitabha Bhattacharyya, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 150, pp 127-134, (2017)
  2. An Alternative Approach for Determining Critical Micelle Concentration: Dispersion of Ink in Foam, by Ambika Pradhan and Amitabha Bhattacharyya, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, (2017), DOI 10.1002/jsde.12165
  3. Margin to Metropolis: Lepchas of India and Igbos of Nigeria, Amitabha Bhattacharyya and Shreya Bhattacharji, Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol V, pp 32-42, (2014)