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डॉ. मो. अब्दुल्लाह खान

Dr. Md. Abdullah Khan

Assistant Professor

DOJ: 09/04/2012 Dept:

Academic record & distinction

MSc (Applied Geology) Aligarh Muslim University

PhD (Geology) Aligarh Muslim University

PhD Topic: “Appraisal of Geoenvironmental Parameters and their Implication in parts of Imphal Valley, Manipur State, NE Himalayan Region”


Areas of Specialization

Hydrochemistry and Environmental impact studies.

Latest Publications

  1. Md. Abdullah Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmad and Shadab Khurshid, (2010). ‘Trends of some climatic parameters in North-East India in the Eastern Himalayas’, Asian Profile- An International Journal, 38 (5): 509-519.
  2. Md. Abdullah Khan and Sarfaraz Ahmad (2010). “Trace metal concentration in the waters of rivers and ponds in a valley filled intermontane basin in the eastern Himalayas. Published in the Journal of Applied Geochemistry, Vol.12 No.2 (2010) pp. 242-252. ISSN 0972-1967.
  3. Md. Abdullah Khan and Sarfaraz Ahmad (2010). “The grain size characteristics of bed sediments of rivers and ponds in a valley-filled intermontane basin in the Eastern Himalayas. Published in the Journal of the Indian Association of Sedimentologists. Vol. 29, No. 1, January-June, (2010) pp. 29-35. ISSN 0970-3268.