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Prof Manesh Choubey

Prof Manesh Choubey


DOJ: 01/05/2012 Dept:

Academic record & distinction

MSc, PhD (Agricultural Economics) Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
Ph.D Topic: “Rural Credit Market and Interlinked Transaction in : Implication on Agrarian Efficiency and Rural Poverty”
Recipient of National Scholarship, Junior Research Fellowship and Senior Research Fellowship

Areas of Specialization

Agricultural Finance & Project Analysis Agricultural Marketing & Price Policy

Latest Publications

  1. Choubey Manesh (2018) Value Chain analysis of large cardamom in Sikkim (2018) IMR Management speak, 10(1) : 37-44
  2. Choubey Manesh (2017) Supply Chain Management of organic produce in Sikkim: A case study of organic stall, International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, Volume 5, Issue 4: 31-40
  3. Choubey Manesh (2017) Factors affecting Financial inclusion: A case study of selected villages in Bihar In Shersingh sangwan and Gagan Deep (ed) efficacy of financial inclusion policies and way ahead, CRRID, Chandigah, ISBN 976-81-85635-85-3
  4. Sharma Santosh & Manesh Choubey (2017) Income distribution due to Diversified livelihood among Rural Households of Sikkim: An impact study, International J. Advances in Social Sciences 5(3): 146-154