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Prof. Satyananda Panda

Prof. Satyananda Panda


DOJ: 27/02/2012 Dept:

Academic record & distinction


MA (Psychology): Kurukshetra University, Haryana

M Phil, PhD (Psychology): Panjab University, Chandigarh

PhD Topic: “A study of diagnostic utility of single vs. joint occurrence of word association emotional indicators”

Areas of Specialization

Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Positive Psychology, Experimental Psychology

Project Completed

  • An ICSSR, New Delhi sponsored Major Project entitled “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Suicide in Sikkim and its Preventive Approaches” as the Principal Investigator.


Latest Publications


  1. Panda, S., Das, K., & Kashyap, K. (2020). Women and mental health in India: Issues and challenges. In: B.C. Swain (Ed.). Women Education in 21st Century (pp.48-63). Kunal Books Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 976-93-69224-54-2.
  2. Kashyap, K., & Panda, S. (2020). Stigma and discrimination attached to COVID-19 pandemic in India: Issues and challenges. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, 12(8), 288-301. ISSN No: 1006-7930; Publisher: Science Press.
  3. Kashyap, K., & Panda, S. (2020). Psycho-perceptual aspects of positive behaviour among patients with head and neck cancer. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 15(3), 1-18. ISSN: 1906-4675 (Print) ISSN: 2561-2246 (Online). Web:;Publisher: Behavioral Science Research Institute (BSRI)
  4. Khawas, A., Paul, A., & Panda, S. (2021). Mindfulness-based interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A focused review. Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences, 12(2), 89-95. Formerly Dysphrenia (OJPAS). Jan 7. e-publication. ISSN No: 2394-2053 (Print) ISSN: 2394-2061 (Online) Web:; Publisher: Academy Publisher.
  5. Gogoi, T., & Panda, S. (2022). The influence of physical health factors on emotional reactions among older adults of the Thai-Ahom community of Assam, India. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, 14(4), 241-249. ISSN No: 1006-7930; Publisher: Science Press.