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प्रो. कृष्ण अनंत

Prof. V. Krishna Ananth

School of Social Sciences

DOJ: 09/03/2012 Dept: School of Social Sciences

Academic record & distinction

MA, MPhil, PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru University
PhD Topic: “Working Class and the Indian National Movement: A Case Study of Madras Presidency: 1937-1947”

Areas of specialization

Modern and Contemporary Indian History, Historiography, Constitutional History of India

Latest Publications

  1. Ananth, V.Krishna (2020) Between Freedom and Unfreedom: The Press in Independent India,New Delhi, Alcove Publishers
  2. Ananth, V. Krishna (2015) The Indian Constitution and Social Revolution: Right to Property Since Independence. New Delhi, Sage Publications
  3. Ananth, V. Krishna (2009) India since Independence: Making Sense of Indian Politics. New Delhi: Pearson Longman