MSc (Geography) Aligarh Muslim University MPhil, PhD (Geography) Jawaharlal Nehru University PhD Topic: “Environmental Resources and the Tribal Economy: Case Studies of Ho, Santal and Birhor in Jharkhand”
Areas of Specialization
Socio-spatial exclusion, Interactions between Resources and Economy; Urban Governance
Latest Publications
Latest Publications
Sharma, Chetraj and Sohel Firdos (2023). “Sustainable Agricultural Transformations in Sikkim, India with special reference to Organic Farming: A Geographical Perspective”, Indian Journal of Spatial Science, Special Issue 2024, 15 (A), pp. 81-88.
Dolma, N.T., Joshi, R. and Firdos, S. (2022). “Traditional Land -based Practices by the Communities in Sikkim and their Effectiveness for Soil and Water Conservation”. ENVIS Bulletin: Himalayan Ecology, 30: 60-63.
Komol Singha and Sohel Firdos (2021). “Structure and pattern of migration in north-east India: Some insights from two census data”, Artha Vijnana, 63(4): 375-397 (UGC Care List)
Firdos, Sohel. 2020. ‘Urbanisation in India's Northeastern region Connecting theory with empirical data’ in M. Amarjeet Singh and Singha Komol (eds.), Understanding Urbanisation in Northeast India. Routledge India.
Firdos, Sohel. 2017. ‘Locating Gender in Land Rights Discourse of Sikkim’, in Prem Chowdhry (ed.), Understanding Women’s Land Rights: Gender Discrimination. New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp. 325-343. ISBN: 978-93-864-4631-2 (HB).
PhD. , North Bengal University (2014) Thesis Title: Existential Crisis in Franz Kafka
M.A. First Class: University of North Bengal, 2001.
B.A. (English Honors); Loreto College, Darjeeling, University of North Bengal, 1999.
Areas of Specialization
Literary Theory, Postcolonial Literature, Cultural Studies and American Literature
Latest Publications
Chamling, Rosy (2022). “Negotiating Nation: The History of Indian-Nepali Literary Magazines.” Indian Literature: Sahitya Akademi. Vol. LXVI No. 6, pp. 144-158.
Chamling, Rosy. (2022). “The Practice of Academic English in Sikkim”, Journal of English Language Teaching”, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 20- 27.
Chamling, Rosy. (2021). “Sikkim for Sikkimese: The Woman Question”. Summerhill: IIAS Review, XXVII, No. 2, pp. 68-74.
Chamling, Rosy (2021). “Rethinking Boundaries: Indian-Nepali Feminist Writing and Third World Feminism”. Literary Voice. Vol. 1, No.13. pp. 156-160. ISSN 2277-4521.
Chamling, Rosy (2020) “The Politics of Gender: Hope Cook in Sikkimese History”. Man and Society: A Journal of North-East Studies. Vol.XVII, Summer 2020. pp 122-132. ISSN 0239-3271
Chamling, Rosy (2020). “Writing Northeast: Nandita Haksar’s Across the Chicken Neck”. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 147-154. E-ISSN 0975- 2935.
First Class First in B.Sc. (Horticulture), First Class in M.Sc. (Horticulture), PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Areas of Specialization
Organic and Hill Horticulture, Fruit Science, Microbial Biotechnology
Research Guidance: PhD Research: 02 awarded, 05 registered M.Sc. Desertion: 10 plus awarded Number of Publications & Projects: Publications in Journals: 55; Book chapters: 07; Extension Bulletins: 20; Research projects: 10
Latest Publications
Sherpa MT, Sharma L. Bag N, Das S. 2021. Isolation, characterization, and evaluation of native rhizobacterial consortia developed from the rhizosphere of rice grown in organic state Sikkim, India, and their effect on plant growth. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Panneerselvam P, Senapati A, Sharma L, 2021. Understanding rice growth-promoting potential of Enterobacter spp. isolated from long-term organic farming soil in India through a supervised learning approach. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, Vol. 2: 100035
Panneerselvam P, Senapati A, Kumar U, Sharma L, Lepcha P et. al. 2019. Antagonistic and plant growth promoting novel Bacillus species from long term organic farming soils from Sikkim, India. 3 biotech.9 (11): 1-12.
Pradhan A, Sharma L, Tiwari A, Chettri P. 2019. Characterization of pectin extracted from Citrus reticulata L. Blanco collected from different altitudes of Sikkim Himalaya. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 11 (1), 168-181
Pradhan A, Sharma L,, Bhutia SG, Sherpa, ND. 2019. Characterization of essential oil from the peel of three citrus species grown in Sikkim Himalaya. Journal of Applied Horticulture. 21 (2), 157-163
Khatoon U and Sharma L. 2019. Anti-oxidant activity, nutritional, multielemental and bioactive profile of Sikkim Himalayan indigenous Chili (DalleKhursani). Research Journal of Biotechnology. 14 (4): 65-72.
Singh AK, Srivastava JK, Chandel AK, Sharma L, Mallick N, Singh SP. 2019. Biomedical applications of microbially engineered polyhydroxyalkanoates: An insight into recent advances, bottlenecks, and solutions. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 103 (5): 2007-2032
Khatoon U and Sharma L.Dubey RK. 2018. Assessment of Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidative Activity and Quantification of Phenols through HPLC in Solanum Species. Studies in Ethno Medicine 12(2): 87-95
Khatoon U and Sharma L.2018. Nutritional and multi elemental profile of indigenous and underutilized Solanum spp. of Sikkim, India. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 48 (3): 467-473
Singh AK, Sharma L, Mallick N, Mala J. 2017. Progress and challenges in producing polyhydroxyalkanoate biopolymers from cyanobacteria. Journal of Applied Phycology 29 (3): 1213-1232
MCom (Commerce) Utkal University LLB (University Medalist) Univeristy of North Bengal MBA (Financial Management) IGNOU PhD (Commerce) Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi PhD Topic: “Accounting Standards and their Relevance in Corporate Accounting”
Areas of Specialization
Accounting, Finance, Taxation
Latest Publications
Mahapatra SS (2013) ‘Economic Implications of Migration: South Asian Perspective’, International Interdisciplinary Conference Proceeding held on 18th and 19th October, (ISBN 978-81-910553-3-7), Gangtok: Sahitya Srijana Shakari Samiti Ltd., pp 93-95.
Mahapatra SS (2013) ‘Banking, Trade and Commerce’, Gazetteer of Sikkim, Gangtok: Home Department, Govt. of Sikkim, pp. 357-403.
Mahapatra SS (2013), ‘SRDA and Inclusive Growth in Sikkim’, In Rajmani Singh (ed.) Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth, New Delhi: Concept Publications, pp. 441- 446.
MA, MPhil, PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru University PhD Topic: “Working Class and the Indian National Movement: A Case Study of Madras Presidency: 1937-1947”
Areas of specialization
Modern and Contemporary Indian History, Historiography, Constitutional History of India
Latest Publications
Ananth, V.Krishna (2020) Between Freedom and Unfreedom: The Press in Independent India,New Delhi, Alcove Publishers
Ananth, V. Krishna (2015) The Indian Constitution and Social Revolution: Right to Property Since Independence. New Delhi, Sage Publications
Ananth, V. Krishna (2009) India since Independence: Making Sense of Indian Politics. New Delhi: Pearson Longman
Prof. Yodida Bhutia
Academic record & distinction
BSc (NBU), M.Ed (Mangalore University), MA English Literature (MKU), MA Education (IGNOU), PhD Education (North Eastern Hill University), Post Doctorate (University of the Aegean, Greece). Post Doctoral Scholarship Awarded by the IKY, Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs, Hellenic Republic of Greece.
Areas of Specialization
Mental Health Education, Environmental Education, Educational Psychology, Higher Education
Latest Publications
Bhutia, Yodida & Liarakou, Georgia. (2018). Gender and nature in the matrilineal society of Meghalaya, India: Searching for ecofeminist perspectives. The Journal of Environmental Education. 1-8.
Bhutia, Y. (Editor) (2016). Mental Health Education. New Delhi: Oversees Press India Pvt Ltd., Ansari Road, Daryaganj. ISBN 93-8383-23-1.
Bhutia, Y. (2016). Development of Education System in India. New Delhi: Lakshi Publishers, Ansari Road, Daryaganj. ISBN 978-93-82120.
Prof. Satyananda Panda
Academic record & distinction
MA (Psychology): Kurukshetra University, Haryana
M Phil, PhD (Psychology): Panjab University, Chandigarh
PhD Topic: “A study of diagnostic utility of single vs. joint occurrence of word association emotional indicators”
Areas of Specialization
Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Positive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Project Completed
An ICSSR, New Delhi sponsored Major Project entitled “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Suicide in Sikkim and its Preventive Approaches” as the Principal Investigator.
Latest Publications
Panda, S., Das, K., & Kashyap, K. (2020). Women and mental health in India: Issues and challenges. In: B.C. Swain (Ed.). Women Education in 21st Century (pp.48-63). Kunal Books Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 976-93-69224-54-2.
Kashyap, K., & Panda, S. (2020). Stigma and discrimination attached to COVID-19 pandemic in India: Issues and challenges. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, 12(8), 288-301. ISSN No: 1006-7930; Publisher: Science Press.
Kashyap, K., & Panda, S. (2020). Psycho-perceptual aspects of positive behaviour among patients with head and neck cancer. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 15(3), 1-18. ISSN: 1906-4675 (Print) ISSN: 2561-2246 (Online). Web:;Publisher: Behavioral Science Research Institute (BSRI)
Khawas, A., Paul, A., & Panda, S. (2021). Mindfulness-based interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A focused review. Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences, 12(2), 89-95. Formerly Dysphrenia (OJPAS). Jan 7. e-publication. ISSN No: 2394-2053 (Print) ISSN: 2394-2061 (Online) Web:; Publisher: Academy Publisher.
Gogoi, T., & Panda, S. (2022). The influence of physical health factors on emotional reactions among older adults of the Thai-Ahom community of Assam, India. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, 14(4), 241-249. ISSN No: 1006-7930; Publisher: Science Press.